I was also struggling to form a clear vision of what I wanted my future to look like.
My overall wellbeing was in disrepair.
Within a few minutes of talking to Tanette I knew I had landed in the right place.
Her communication style immediately set me at ease.
Tanette is extremely well researched, consequently has a wealth of knowledge, life experience and empathy to make her an outstanding resource and wellbeing practitioner for anyone who is looking for some guidance in their life.
By the end of my first session Tanette had clearly articulated a pathway back to wellbeing and the steps required to get there. Over the several sessions that followed she presented a host of ideas, tools, and pragmatic solutions to the issues I was looking to resolve.
Tanette seamlessly helped me change my perspective on a number of key things in my life and put me back in the drivers seat. Learning how to take control again was one of the most valuable lessons from these sessions.
Spending time with Tanette was profoundly rewarding for me. I was able to complete a ”factory reset” and have gone on to achieve a number of personal goals I momentarily lost sight of.
I would highly recommended Tanette to anyone who is out of sorts or at odds with themselves, but also anyone who is looking to transform thinking patterns, or elevate themselves into a different space.
Don’t hesitate - just book some time with her."
I dove into my first 6 week session, (we’ve done about 5 of these over the 5 years) and the work has been invaluable! Tanette has an amazing ability to sit and observe, to listen and to hold space, and to know what you need. And gives you the odd poke when she knows you are ready to face yourself!
I have learnt a tremendous amount from Tanette and healed my past traumas around losing babies and my grief around not having had my own. I’ve learnt about meditation and by using the mandala, seeing how we get pulled away from our centre, and about the abundance of life force within us, when we are in balance (I used to think darkness and drama was my inspiration!) I’ve learnt about the power of particular words and their frequencies, and how such simple changes of behaviours and actions can have the biggest impact on our lives. We reignited the creative fire inside of me and so many of my lessons are all poured into my artworks that came out of this period. To be honest, if I try to recall who I was prior to this work, I can hardly remember, as now I am so strong in myself, grounded and clear, I know about boundaries and am much better at them, I am productive, calm and happy…and excited about my future. Some grief never fully heals, but now I know how to allow those feelings to flow through me if they arise, and I no longer get pulled under nor wallow in a pity party. I am owning my life and all the steps, good or bad, that got me to who I am today!
I truly cannot recommend Tanette enough... best to be brave and go deep, life on the other side of healing is a beautiful thing.
Tanette is really strong in her self-kindness. She taught me it is a strength anyone can grow and when you are kind to self you make loving decisions for your life. She helped me remember a healthier self-view and choose practical ways of looking after myself that worked best for me.
I have been able to break free from the biochemical ups and downs of eating too much sugar and markedly increased the healthy live foods I put into my body, mainly because I feel more kind towards self. Having a level blood sugar has put me in a much better place mood-wise.
It has been invaluable having Tanette so strongly alongside while I was going through intense self-doubt trying to adopt these new ways. I feel I have control of things again.
Being kinder to self has made me naturally feel and act kinder to myself and others. I am much more social and I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have had access to Tanette when I was feeling so trapped and lost. Thank you Tanette!! Feel like I have been able to come home xx"
One of the things that is great about Tanette is that she is both supportive, while still holding you accountable for your own life situations. Sessions with Tanette have always left me in a positive headspace and feeling empowered in understanding what I can do for myself."
In our first session I felt immediate relief. With Tanette I was able to see my patterns of thinking and learned how to plan and move forward in my life with joy and excitement. I was able to see myself with kindness and forgiveness in a way that had felt impossible all the years leading up to our sessions.
I have had so many benefits from counselling. On a personal level being able to feel happy within myself has allowed me to share more joy with my family.
I can look back at events in my past with compassion and understanding.
Tanette has many techniques and ideas that I found to be life changing- allowing a deeper connection to myself, others and the planet.
My favourite part of the sessions with Tanette is she is incredibly accepting of anything I have to say. I was constantly surrounded by her unwavering kindness. It has spilled over into my own life and I can be kinder to myself and more accepting of others.
Having regular support is life changing. I really benefit from knowing that this is a continuous process where I can keep learning with support and guidance. I feel lighter, I have a lot of hope. This is a huge change from where I started."
Over the years of coaching Tanette had opened up my horizons to what can be possible if you leave the past behind and use your strengths and values to live in the present and create a positive future. Her invaluable insights helped seed the thoughts which have got me to where I am today.
I’ve have moved from a place where pain was my daily struggle - both physically and emotionally - to a place where I cope well and continue to thrive through adversity. Her teachings have helped me to help others as an employer and now a leader and well-being advocate for my industry where others have similar struggles to my own.
Coaching with Tanette has brought joy back into my life, my work, my relationships with the ones I love and help me fuel and focus on my future ambitions.
Tanette takes you on a journey of discovery in a safe and supported way, empowering and growing you at each session with a unique ability to tailor her service to the person in her space. I would recommend to anyone who has struggled with therapists or counsellors in the past to work with Tanette as she sees caring and support holistically due to her wealth of knowledge, ongoing curiosity and experience. Our journey continues.
Tanette's style is direct and compassionate. Highly empathetic and observant, she was quickly able to identify patterns that weren't serving me. She was also able to shine a light on my greatest strengths, giving me confidence and deeper self-awareness. Tanette has numerous techniques and frameworks that helped me move forward. She is a talented meditation teacher and I was able to reconnect and deepen my practice under her guidance. Her holistic approach has left me with many actionable strategies to heal and rebuild my life, both personally and professionally. Tanette has an uncanny ability to hold space, create a sense of safety, whilst also inviting me to rise up to my full potential. I continue to be moved and inspired by the work we did together. She has had a profound impact on my life."
Thank you Tanette. You are a gift to the world."

"....She (Tanette) listened and acknowledged my feelings but wisely didn't allow me to dwell- she snapped me out of my 'woe is me' mood, by guiding me to realise I have options, I can choose to blame or I can do something about it! Her proactive approach resonated with the 'old me'. She supported me to look at what I needed to be happy personally, and take action to get these things in my life. The turnaround was quick, the questions she used broke my pattern of thinking and made me take control of my life....... I am now feeling optimistic, am looking forward to the future and have got my enthusiasm for life back -YAY! I have lost 9kg so I feel good about myself and have started studying towards a new career, that I am excited about. Thank you for your guidance Tanette." Client

" Thank you for creating this beautiful experience. Your guided meditations took me to places i did not know existed and helped me find strength and peace I did not know I had." Client
"Tanette- Thank you for being such a real guiding light for me. You have connected me back to what life is really about, and most importantly, have showed me a doorway to my heart and ever existing abundant love." Client

"An important work for women & sisterhood. A place and space for nourishment and clarity with hearts open and love shared." Circle Guest

"It is so easy to do nothing to make changes in your life and when you are in it, you can`t always see how. By coming to do this retreat and learning new tools and sharing with others i can make some changes towards a new `me' vision. If you do what you always did you get what you always got." Retreat Guest
"If you are overwhelmed, too busy, too tired, too stressed, this retreat is for you!! Blessings on the practical and abundant tools offered by the team! A great way to reaffirm your path!" Retreat Guest
"Something I particularly loved was just the group of women and conversations we had during sessions and in lunch times & breaks..... something I really needed- so thank you for letting things go there" Thank you , thank you thank you!!! "At Last ... I made it to one of these retreats! It was all that I expected and more. So empowering and restorative. I am taking specific tools to travel my journey with, I know it will make a difference to how I live my life" Retreat Guest
"A great way to make your soul sing. Tune into your wisdom and live your life, love fully." Retreat Guest
"If you want to really connect with yourself, and find the passion again that makes you feel life is going where you want it to go. Take the time- you are important-get your `juice back'- Go on retreat. Nothing to lose EVERYTHING to gain." Retreat Guest
"Awesome adventure in knowing yourself and drawing a path to realising your dreams." Retreat Guest
"A really amazing experience, very real and down to earth but very inspirational with achievable steps to put into my life to help me get back onto the right journey" "At Last ... I made it to one of these retreats! It was all that I expected and more. So empowering and restorative. I am taking specific tools to travel my journey with, I know it will make a difference to how I live my life." Retreat Guest
_____"I would recommend a Retreat for any woman who wants to become more real, more connected to her inner being and sacred self." Retreat Guest
"An important work for women & sisterhood. A place and space for nourishment and clarity with hearts open and love shared." Retreat Guest