And welcome. My name is Tanette Hickey and over the years I have had many personal journeys and adventures which have continually fed my curiosity and interest regarding the human spirit and its desire for happiness, development and expansion. This interest combined with my own personal development and study has currently led me to this point of offering my services as a Well-Being Facilitator. I have an array of tools which I use to support such exploration of the self and these are offered in a variety of forms to suit individuals, groups and work orientated well-being.
Below I share with you some of my own highlights in my life which have brought me to this moment and which have helped me weave together my offerings for you.
Natural Health & Nutrition
Health & the influence of `Let Food Be Thy Medicine & Medicine be Thy Food` has played a major part in my life due to having major back pain in my mid 20`s & an ongoing tendency to feel incredibly tired and lethargic in relationship to the food that I was eating. This has been both a painful, perplexing & joyful journey as I have studied and experienced an array of healing foods and techniques. It is great to be at this end of the story where I can now have a much greater understanding of what foods contribute to my well-being and what does not. Also the understanding of the importance of nature, balanced thoughts, positive friends and movement all woven together to give me a way to thrive. I am still `learning & learning` & `sharing & sharing` & I find it utterly fascinating & compelling to continue to discover the keys to expansive well-being.
Personal Coaching & Counselling
I have had the honour of Coaching and Counselling many individuals over the last 15 years and it is one of my deep joys to be able to support people to move through the hard places and make choices to change the direction of their lives in small or large ways. My Training for Life Coaching was obtained in Christchurch over a one year period, moving onto Dunedin where I did my Counselling training, going on to offer Counselling in Twizel (Anglican Care), Queenstown (Wakatipu High School) and Private Practice in Wanaka &Wellington NZ.
Designing and facilitating `Well-being Retreats' throughout Aotearoa ~ New Zealand
Therapeutic Massage
I was attracted to Therapeutic Massage at Lincoln University in New Zealand where I studied Sports Massage at Night Class alongside my degree. It wasn't until I travelled over to Australia that I then learnt Therapeutic Massage as well as Reiki (a form of hands on healing) and came back to Wanaka to offer Therapeutic Massage to the community for over the last 20 years. I have found massage has helped me to understand the physical body in much greater depth and how trapped energy can be released by attention and pressure.
TRIBE Movement Meditation; offering classes & workshops throughout Aotearoa ~NZ
From a young child I have always loved to dance although I was to shy to do so other than when I was by myself. Then in 2006 in the mountains of Aotearoa ~ New Zealand I was introduced to a concept of dance called the `5 rhythms` which filled my soul to overflowing. From this point I have woven together many strands of teachings including meditation, movement and circle work to now offer `Global TRIBE Movement Meditation' This is also offered in the Well-being Retreats that we offer.
The Little Green Juicing Company
The `Little Green Juicing Company` has only had a short time on the stage due to buying the Waihoanga Centre for Well-being, but creating this little gem of an idea is close to my heart. Discovering 'green juicing' in 2012, I became a converted `juicearian` due to the benefits in health that I experienced. Setting up a juicing stall at the Newtown Market in Wellington and selling fresh green juice (& other colours of the rainbow) gave me a great amount of satisfaction. I also offered juicing workshops and one to one help to set up a juicing practice. I have a deep feeling that this platform for great health will rise again in some form in the future.
Native Seed Gallery
In 2001 I was granted an enterprise allowance which assisted me to buy tools for my art as well as set up a small gallery in the heart of Wanaka with a friend and business partner, Merle Schuburt. This was my first endeavour of going into a larger business with someone else and understanding the workings of a gallery. A great learning, fun and growing experience.
Artist: Creating & selling art over a twelve year period
I have loved creating all of my life with a variety of different elements & avenues. Having being taught fine arts through different avenues with special attention to paint, carving & weaving I have spent many years creating various pieces of art work using a lot of multi media. Below shows some of the exhibitions that I was part of over a twelve year period. My art is always within me but now is created in many various ways, including the `Ārt & Adventure of Creating a Life I Love`
Burmuda Productions
At this time I teamed up with friends Robyn Bardas & Helene Richardson & formed `Burmuda productions. Through this small business we produced calendars and diaries which we filled with black and white photography of our Wanaka and Hawea Community. It was a great time of fun and laughter driving around to different houses and taking shots of people in incredible locations and in some fantastic garb.